Hwy 10, West of Mandan

Hwy 10, West of Mandan

Sunday, May 20, 2018

City Slickers 200k

The City Slickers 200k provides a wonderful opportunity to use a few (of the many) bike-ped trails in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding communities.  At 200k with minimal climbing, it’s an ideal early-season brevet.  It’s also a popular brevet (30+ riders this year), so there’s a good chance of riding with a local cyclist who knows the route.

This is a ride I’ve wanted to do since joining the Minnesota Randonneurs, and fortunately, a lapse in my work schedule provided an opportunity to participate this year.  I’m glad it worked out…   …the brevet will be remembered for helping a new randonneur complete his first 200k.

Below are a few photos.  Enjoy!  The City Slickers 200k is highly recommended!

(Randonneurs gather at the Lake Street Dunn Brothers)

(Rob Welsh, Minnesota Randonneurs RBA, provides an overview of the day)

(Riding with velomobiles...  ...a first!)

(Crossing the Minnesota River en route to Ft. Snelling State Park)

(Barges along the Mississippi River)

(Crossing the Mississippi River)

(Quickly in a rural setting on the way to Afton...  ...glad for the wide shoulder)

(Freshly tilled fields ready for planting)

(A small section of gravel...  ...I saw a cardinal on this stretch of road)

(Passing through Hudson, WI)

(Crossing the St. Croix River)

(Heading west after a brief stop in Stillwater)

(Passing by the 'World's Largest Snowman' in North St. Paul)

(Brief detour before crossing the Mississippi River)

(A much narrower river only a few miles upstream from the earlier crossing)

(Riding near Maple Grove...   ...more excellent trails)

(Storm approaching from the west)

(Rain and wind passed in time to enjoy the iconic Grain Belt Beer sign)

(Crossing the Mississippi River one last time, with downtown Minneapolis in the background)