Hwy 10, West of Mandan

Hwy 10, West of Mandan

Monday, December 26, 2016

Wrapping up 2016

Annual cumulative mileage continued its downward trend, this time dropping below 1000 miles for the first time since 2005.  Increased demands at work coupled with continued eldercare responsibilities limited time available to train for and travel to randonneuring events.  I hope to get back on track in 2017 by participating in a complete series of ACP brevets.

The year was not lost to outdoor activities, however.  An ambitious expansion of garden space required considerable attention throughout the summer and resulted in impressive yields of diverse produce, much of which was donated to local food pantries.  My wife and I also hiked over 100 miles of the North Country Trail in North Dakota and Minnesota.  We plan to continue hiking in 2017 while documenting our experiences along the way.

(Allocating more space - and time - for local food)